Saving money on energy bills will benefit you and the environment in so many ways. It can be difficult to remember every tip to save money on the energy bill but it pays to start with upgrading your electrical systems and appliances. Neighborhood Electric offers a wide range of electrical upgrades that can reduce the costs of energy significantly in your home. Here are some tips that can also help you save more on energy usage.
Tips on Saving on Energy in Winter
The winter season is normally the season most households consume the most energy, especially for heating. It is therefore important to install all necessary energy-saving appliances and systems in homes. Try as much as possible to keep the thermostat range between 65 and 68 F to heat your home slowly and increase the temperature by one or two degrees at a time. Make sure you use your heaters in enclosed spaces, and clean your vents and update them regularly. Try as much as possible to cover the hardwood and any tile flooring with rugs and carpeting, in order to increase insulation.
Tips for Saving on Energy in Fall Season
Make sure you contact a professional electrician to help you seal all windows and cracks on windows. You can set your thermostat at a wider range during this season. Make sure you inspect your Chimney filters or replace the filters if necessary. Neighborhood Electric offers top, certified electricians who can handle such services with 100% reliability.
Tips for Saving on Energy in the Springs
Make sure you turn off all electrical appliances that are not in use. It could also be the right time to upgrade electrical panel especially if you have never done that before. Upgrading your electrical panel can help reduce the risks of fire accidents during this season. It is also important that you conduct a maintenance service or upgrade your water heater in the springs. You can keep your thermostat range wider than where you will set it in summer or winter.
Tips for Saving Money in Summer Season
The summer is usually the ideal time to have the most fun and it is easy to get carried away and consume energy recklessly during this season. The summer season is the time to install a nest thermostat. A Nest thermostat will help you track your energy usage and it cools your home only when you need to.
Minimize your indoor heat by making use of your washing machine, oven, and dryers in the night. You should set the thermometer of your water heater at 120 F. It is important that you keep your windows and blinds close especially during the day and then close them at night.
In addition to implementing these tips and ideas, it is equally important to upgrade your electrical system especially if you have never scheduled electrical maintenance services. Neighborhood Electric offer customized electrical system upgrades that will reduce energy consumption, thus saving you money. Please give us a call today.